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Lipozene Reviews

Benton Harbor,Michigan

I have convinced so many people to buy this product I started on it a year and a half ago started out weighing 383 lb now I weigh 202 going for 50 more pounds thank you so much I feel great

Benton Harbor,Michigan

I have convinced so many people to buy this product I started on it a year and a half ago started out weighing 383 lb now I weigh 202 going for 50 more pounds thank you so much I feel great

Las Vegas,Nevada

First off, I'm only giving it three stars because I just startedLipozene on May 15th. I'm just a bit confused, what can I eat with Lipozene. Do I need to follow a strict diet or can I eat anything? Can I use Lipozene in conjuction with the Atkin's diet? I'm a stay at home parent so I don't get to go to the gym, however I do take take vigorious walks 4-5 times a week in the evening for about 90 minutes. I take two pills + metaboUP first thing in the morning. Do I really need to take 2 more pills at lunch and dinner if I just "will power"? What is the best dosage?

James Allen

I have been taking Lipozene for about 3 months and although I may not have lost much total weight I have lost some belly fat, however that most important factor to me is that it seems to have ended my Neuropathy or the pain in my feet due to diabetes. I can now finally walk without the severe and constant pain I used to have.

Julie Ann
Idaho Falls,Idaho

I just bought Lipozene today, need to lose about 40 pounds to get healthy again. Hoping this really works. It sounds like, so I am very excited!!

Burlington,North Carolina

I\'ve read as many reviews as possible, and I trust that things will be successful for me as well. I purchased two bottles (1 month supply) and I have been taking them almost a week now. I haven\'t measured or weighed since day one, I don\'t see any changes yet but I def feel full. I run around a lot at work, and also workout during the week. So I\'m hoping the inches & pounds will shed soon! I already drank lots of water, so my only plan was to cut out snacking and my portion sizes. The end of the week I will measure and check my progress. Let\'s get it!

Adrian Warner
St. Charles,Illinois

Today is May 9, 2015, I have taking my first dose at 11:00 am Central Time. I will be posting my results next Saturday morning May 16th. Talking to you in a week. I click on two stars because today is my first day. Will be clicking on more stars next Saturday.


I'm curious to know if this product makes you have to run to the bathroom? (I'm being word careful) I'm currently a cashier and its not easier to shut down a register to run to the bathroom every 10 + minutes. I have read that this does contain fiber, so is the fiber content high enough that this would happen or enough that I can get through a 6 hour shift, and one (1) 15 minute break. Thank you!


I just got my order and im so excited to try it. My goal is to shed about 15 pounds. I haven't weighed myself but my goal weight is 145, and that's how much you have to weight to enlist into the United States Army. So with the help of this and 30 min cardio every morning and healthy eating I can get to that. Ill be the 2nd child in my family to hopefully enlist if I can get my weight down, so wish me luck because serving my country is my calling.!

Maple Heights,Ohio

I use the 1st two bottles and I must say the lipozene does work...I wasn't sure at first until after I stop taking them...Then my sister said whatever you was taking was working so now I'm ordering all over again....but honestly it works I didn't notice until after I stop taking them and my sister notice...Plus my muffin top belly is bulging back so I'm starting the lipozene back...and I'm 5"-7" and 202lbs. And I use to be 209lbs...I vouch it really works...


Week one and I love it, doesn't make you feel jittery and really curbs my appetite . Haven't weighed yet but notice a difference in my clothes already!

saddle brook,New Jersey

I took lipozene for 3 months and I was walking 3 times a week for 1hr a day and in 3 months I went from 297lbs to 250lbs. Very happy, however I was in a car accident so I was out for 5 months and I gained 10lbs and now I'm back at it again 2weeks, and 8lbs lost.

Miami Beach,Florida

I have tried in the past everything until I found Lipozene. I have been taken Lipozene for over 6 months and I lost about 25 pounds. I still want to lose 10 more. This product really works.

James Robinson

lost 30lb taking lipozene but do seem to be at stand still need to lose at least 18lb more

Cecelia Munoz

Im on my second bottle and have lost 8lbs. Im still hungry though, still the same cravings all day long. I dont do any kind of exercise due to being handicapped. I still hope for the best with Lipozene. I will keep u updated in 30 days if any more progress.

Roger Kasal

I HAVE LOST 11 lbs so far in 2 months and plan to keep golng.It seems like a good product so far.I do wish the Lipozene was a little cheaper! It is also hard to find in stores.

Misty Wilson
Hot Springs,Arkansas

It really does work, I lost 85 pounds in less than 12 months. Went from a size 16 to a size 2. A lot of people don't even recognize me anymore. I'm healthier and happier than I've ever been.


I have to say I might be the biggest doughter(if that's a real word.. most doughtful excuse my spelling) But iv lost 6lbs in my first week and my progress is better and better. I only weight my self once a week bit I'm on week two and can see the differences. Can't wait till my next weight in to see further progress! All in all I'm super happy so far!


I love Lipozene, ive lost 15+ pounds with it! & just bought MetaboUP Plus so hoping to see more good results!

Rising Sun,Maryland

I've been taking Lipozine for just a week and lost 4 pounds so far.. I'm very satisfied with the product.. Haven't had any nausea or any other side effects.. Just wanted to say thank you for the boost...


Love it I was 269.8 to 178.8 in 3 months I stopped it and it's been 5 months and I have not gain the weight. Very happy. I did made some exercises but when I wanted to slack I did and still lost weight.

Elizabeth Paige

I've had 2 children in 2 years, and was feeling really ashamed of my body. I bought lipozene because I've used it years ago and it had worked wonders. So far I'm one bottle in (5 days) and I've lost 11 pounds. IN FIVE DAYS!. i haven't exercised, not even once. I hate drinking water and drink maybe 2 bottles a day. I'm amazed. I never get jitters or nausea from Lipozene, like with other diet pills. I literally just take it, never feel hungry, and I'm shrinking. Thank you Lipozene :-) My only recommendation is that you sell bigger bottles lol

Westerly,Rhode Island

I started using Lipozene right after the 2013 Christmas season and now into May 2014 I've lost 30 pounds. Thanks Lipozene. It really does work. I've got a ways to go but I'm taking it 10 pounds at a time.


Hi... I am taking Lipozene from last 3 months... and I am so glad to say that I have lost 8 pounds. But unfortunately I am stuck on the same weight since last 5 weeks.... I don't know why it's not working anymore on me? Any suggestions please.. I am not taking MetaboUP since I was feeling some acidity problems with that.. so I just used Lipozene from last 3 months...


If this really worked it would make NATIONAL news. If it works why do you give away a free bottle of metabolup or whatever it\'s called? This is just another company taking advantage of people who are desperate to lose weight, and the fact that you are still in business just proves my point.

Scottsburg ,Indiana

I definitely plan to be a Lipozene success story! I'm here to say a week into Lipozene, still counting calories I lost 7lbs. I'm gonna set my goal 10lbs at a time and I finally feel confident I will reach my goal of 135! Thanks! Denise


I want to know when to use the MetaboUP. Im confused, do I have to take the Lipozene and then after a meal take the MetaboUP?


For Lipozene, the recommended dose is 2 pills taken 30 minutes prior to each meal with 8 ounces of water up to three times daily. If you have MetaboUP you can take 1 tablet up to two times per day with an 8 oz glass of water. If taking MetaboUP PLUS you can take two pills once daily, preferably in the morning or prior to a workout with an 8 oz glass of water.


Day 10 of my lipozene journey. I am 6'4 with a starting weight of 278 lbs plan to get down to 220 with lots of cardio and lipozene. After the first week I have lost 9 lbs! This is direct result from taking my lipozene at the same time everyday mixed with different cardio workouts I do at home. I really like lipozene compared to other weight/fat loss products i have taken due to the fact that It has not given me the neg side effects that others have. Drinking lots of water helps. Lipozene has taken away my frequent urge to snack throughout the day! will keep you updated weekly on how I am feeling, also what I have been doing as far as workouts go. I have tried most of the weight/fat products over the years and so far lipozene seems to be working the best for me so far.

Fort Payne,Alabama

I just bought it from walgreens and I can't wait to see if it works for me!! I'm 23 and I'm around 250lbs, I'm graduating in May and will be transferring to a University and I'm hoping to look healthy and slimmed down by August. I dont want to be a twig, I'm 2x/3x in shirts and 18W-22W in jeans. My goal is to be in a Large and a 11/12 in juniors by the time I start school. Are we allowed to take this with other diet supplements?


Terri - great question! It would be best to check with your physician about taking or combining any supplements.


I have lost 20lbs. I am so very pleased with the results so far. I am only concentrating on 20lbs at a time so here I go on another...

Fort Worth,Texas

I have to say I have been on Lipozene for 9 days and I think I've lost nothing. I read the reviews before I started this knowing that the secret is to move. So I walked, stretched, ellipticaled, and drank more water in 9 days than I have in 9 months. I haven't always been the best healthy eater, but in recent years I have changed that habit. I've noticed that I do get full quickly now which is a good this. I bought the complete kit,and plan to use all the bottles. Wish me luck as I continue. 100's of other have done this with success so can I.


Stick with it Angie! We know you can meet your weight loss goals. Keep us posted on your journey, and remember to follow the dosage instructions for optimum results.


Just took my first dose of Lipozene this morning. After reading all the reviews I am looking forward to losing the weight like the others!! Wish me luck and LIPOZENE....DO YOUR THING!!! (And I'll do mine)


Trish Ethier

I have just started taking and have been only only for less than a week.....I feel fuller and I am watching what I am eating and the amounts....I have tried not to be a "scale jumper" but I got on the scale and so far I havelost NOTHING.....Trying not to get discouraged but I am disheartened.....Any suggestions?


Don't give up Trish! Remember to follow the dosage instructions and take two pills with 8 ounces of water prior to your meal up to three times a day.


Lipozene is awesome! Not only have I lost weight. I feel better and healthier. THANK YOU LIPOZENE

stevens point,Wisconsin

I have gained about thirty pounds in the last year. Now taking Lipozene for just four days I feel fuller and more energetic as well as lost three pounds. I'm going to continue using this product until I get back to pre-baby weight, maybe even a little lower. Thanks Lipozene!

Sharon Lemons

I've lost 40 pounds on the Lipozene program! I'm at the weight I was in my 20's and I'm 52 years old! I've recently gave the product to a friend at work because I have maintained the weight loss for 6 months now!


I've Just Bought Lipozene From Wallgreens. And I do feel fuller faster. I use to snack here and there but with Lipozene I hardly feel the need to snack. Crossing my fingers I lost the rest of the baby weight I have in time for my daughters Baptism. Will surely write on this again to update. :)



Katherine Shields

I have been taking this product for about 3 months and have lost almost 2 pant sizes. I take it 30 minutes before I eat and move all throughout the day. I absolutely love this product. It is by far this best product out there for a mother of 7 who doesnt have time to go the gym.


I started using Lipozene 7 days ago and I don't get very hungry anymore and I am able to just eat small portions. I've lost 5 pounds in 7 days and my goal is to lose 40 pounds in 4 months.


Sceptic about purchase, but appetite has decrease tremedously. I always had difficult time with portion sizes, was never full, and ate more than my husband! So far, I am pleased with the product. I am taking two capsules three times daily and the Metabo Up twice daily. Forgot to step on scale prior to starting, but will start tracking weight. Will keep everyone update on my progress and good luck to all in our same journey and dream.

Shesaunthralyn Searcy
Fort Worth,Texas

I bought this product last friday and decided to give it a try before actual surgery. So far I feel great. I take 2 pills 30 mins before each meal and drink 4 to 5 bottles of water a day. I get full quickly and don't want to eat as often. I'm going to give it 6 mos. to reach my goal of 120 lbs. Thanks Lipozene..


Good luck on meeting your weight loss goal! Keep us posted on your journey!

Dunn,North Carolina

Just started taking Lipozene today.. So far I have had really no appetite.. which is awesome.. Because I tend to overeat. I\'m really hoping this product will help me in my weight loss goals. I will send another review in about a month to let you know of my progress :).. I\'m at 268 right now :(

Angie Teal
Seal Alabama,Alabama

ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK U THANK U THANK U I LOST 13 lbs in 2 doggone weeks are u serious i have never even seen this kind of thing in my life i do 15 mins workout that\'s it a day and i diet ...and i love it .....Thank u THANK U


I've used this product and I like it.. without any exercise I have lost 9# in 26 days I'm still using it although I wish the capsules were a lill smaller. And maybe that some boxes had a coupon or something. I buy them at a pharmacy 2 bottles for $29 but I just saw them at Walmart on sale!!


Okay, I got up nerve to order the product.I wanted to lose some weight before my cruise. I have been on the product for just over 2 weeks. I was shocked at how full I got after eating a small amount. I have lost about 15 lbs and it was not hard. If you take the product and drink your water, you can be successful.But it\'s not a magical pill. You HAVE to do your part. Take the pills, drink water,and do something to get moving. Even if you just walk,do anything,something,and you can be successful. Just tell yourself the you are worth it. Love yourself enough to try this product. Good Luck and hang in there.


I am 30 yrs old I have two kids, work full time, and go to school part time. I had shoulder surgery about a year and a half ago and gained 30 pounds since. I never seem to get full and would snack through the day. I have tried watching my calories and do a little more working out during the week with power walking, however with no luck on loosing the weight. Today I started taking Lipozine And can I say I havent felt this full in ages. I also didn\'t even think about having a soda today. It seemed to have curbed that all together. I am Looking forward to seeing what happens next. I am getting married in may of 2014 and would like to be from my 215lbs at 5\'8\" to 180 by July so I can buy a wedding dress! I can\'t wait to see whats in store for me. Thank you Lipozine.

Portales,New Mexico

Do you have to take the Metabo Up for lipozene to work, or can you just take the Lipozene?


Great question! MetaboUP can be taken on its own, but for best results it is recommended to be taken in conjunction with Lipozene.

Wilmington ,Illinois

I LOVE LIPOZENE!!!!! After years of struggling to lose weight I have finally found something that works for me... Lipozene. After having 2 kids I just couldn't keep the pounds from coming and at 6ft 250lbs I was miserable. I never had the energy to get up off the couch an get out and enjoy life with my family so I decided in November 2012 to do something about it. I started dieting and exercising and by January I had only lost 10lbs. I wa starting to get discouraged and then I found lipozene. I started taking lipozene on January 16,2013 and maintained a comfortable diet that fit my busy life and i exercise daily and today I am 205lbs and I feel great!!! I still have a little ways to go but I know that with Lipozene I CAN DO IT!!!! Thank You Lipozene for giving me the extra help I need to get back in shape and back out into the world with my family.


That's great! Keep us posted on your weight loss journey. Best of luck

St Petersburg,Florida

Lipozene really works! Just follow the instructions, then look forward to a better you! Thanks Lipozene


I started about 10 months ago and it is amazing!!! I eat one meal a day and maybe a snack. I have not only dropped 27 lbs but my stomach is almost completely gone. I am so thankful for this product. I have dropped 3 pant sizes, 3 shirt sizes and 2 underclothes sizes. Even my gloves are loose now!!


I have been using Lipozene for a month now and I was at a size 22W and now I'm an 18. It worked for me, and I love it!


I just bought this product YESTERDAY and have ALREADY lost 2 lbs! I was SHOCKED! Like how is it even possible to go to sleep weighing 128 and wake up and weigh 125!? I did nothing! I even ate and had some cocktails lol I am soooo excited to see what I will be in 2 wks! I am now a TRUE lipozene believer!

jonathan caro
kansas city ,Kansas

i have seen this produvt on tv and i have a question. i have had about 3 seizures but they are under controlled very good. Will this product work for me or will it be bad?


Hi, Jonathan - We recommend you consult your primary physician prior to taking any dietary supplement.


I just finished my first bottle, which lasted 2 weeks, and even my husband has said that he really notices a difference! I have struggled with my weight because of PCOS (insulin resistance). In researching the main ingredient in Lipozene, it has been used for centuries to help treat people with insulin resistance. I have to say that I believe in Lipozene for those with insulin resistance, at least. I see my stomach flatter, although my rear end is losing the weight faster (which I DON'T like!), but also my clothes decidedly fit better - and looser. I don't have a scale, but am seriously overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure, etc., because of my size. I honestly do feel better already. Time will tell if this trend continues, but so far, so great! I can see how people would have issues if they don't drink enough water, but if you follow the directions, it DOES work!


Congratulations, Kath!

Port of Spain ,New York

I am so going to try this heard some amazing result hope it work for me I have to lose 25lb befor December 312012 ends this was my year wish so I really hope this help me any adivie you can give will help I will keep you inform today is 27/10/12 so in two weeks I will give a report on you product my weight now is 143 my gold is to be 115-120 lbs I am short about 5.7 or so


i just started taking lipozene and i feel so good i changed the way i eat and i do more moving around i have a 2 year old so she keeps me going as well.... this pill is better then anyother pill i have taken i have a feeling im going to keep taking this one tell i reach the weight i want to be!!!!!!!


Congratulations, Cassandra!

Lisa Hutson
Eden,North Carolina

Thank you so much for your product. I tried other products with no results even with Sensa but when my sister suggested this product, I decided to try it and in 2 months have lost 25 lbs. I still have a long way to go but this is the only thing that has helped me. I am not able to walk to exercise due to having only half of my left foot and no weight bearing bone in that foot so lipozene has been a god sent. Again thank you so much.


Congratulations, Lisa! Thanks for sharing.


Good Reviews going to give it a try, I have tried everything else why not...


i just started using this product today. I am 39 yrs. old and am approx. 40 lbs. overweight. at dinner tonight i could not eat a whole lot which tells me the product just may work. i will keep you posted.


Where i can buy this product in Manhattan?


Hi, Maria - We offer free shipping to Manhattan - please visit www.lipozene.com.

feeling great

I started Lipozene (09/26/12) two weeks ago and I feel amazing! I have not weighed myself yet, but I can honestly say I do NOT over eat anymore and feel full all day! The Metabolism booster does give me a headache when I take it, but that doesnt bother me, I just dont take it anymore. I cant wait to weigh in when I hit my 30 day mark. Thanks Lipozene! I will keep you updated.

Rachel Walton

It was good, but wasn't entirely what I expected. I wanted to "feel" something working, but overall it was an okay product.

trena justus

I started using Lipozene on August 3rd of 2012. I weighed 184 pounds and Im 5 foot tall. I have lost 21 pounds. I have went from a size 14 to a size 10. Im so happy with this product. Im still using it and will continue to use it til I reach my goal weight. it takes a little extra work on my part to lose the weight. a person cant expect to take the pills and eat what they want. the product does work but you have to work with the product. thanks LIPOZZENE.

broadway,North Carolina

I highly reccomend this product to any one thats trying so desperately to lose weight ive lost a great amount of weight in the past year. 2 thumbs up to the creator. Thanks Lipozene!!!!!!


ive only taken lipozeene for two weeks and 3days and lost 12pounds sept,16 2012-oct,4,2012. i am also an everyday drinker, about 6-8 beers a day and eat very healthy now. i went from 238 - 226.o and feel so great. i havent even got on my tredmill yet lol. i am working on it though. it all starts with how bad do you want it,let go let god,changing your thought process of food intake to determination, most importantly just stay focused.how do you want to feel a year from today, how long do you want to live. stop blameing,stop begging and start believing.


I have just started using Lipozene today and I am hoping for some good results. I can already tell that is makes me feel full and the more water I drink the fuller I feel. I am looking forward to my results in 30 days. I am getting married April 27th and I am trying to lose 40 lbs I will update everyone in 30 days and let you know how it is going.


I started using lipozene 4 days ago and I've lost 5 lbs. Of course watching what I eat along with at least 30 minutes of exercise but it's truly amazing!! If you are serious about losing weight and doing what it takes you will succeed with this product. I will update my progress within a few weeks. Hope everyone has the success I am having.


I have been using Lipozene for 2 weeks and 1 day so far.I am vouching for Lipozene. I havent weighed myself yet but my belly is definitely disappearing and i lost inches in my waist. My work pants are a size 15 and they used to be tight,now their falling off so I must wear a belt everyday. I also changed my eating habits and am now eating more salad and for my exercise, I power walk. At the end of this week I will weigh myself. Thank you Lipozene!

Durham,North Carolina

So I decided to use this product about two weeks ago started out slow but I noticed today an extra inch in my jeans. I am trying to lose 100lbs I got sick a year and a half ago doc put me on steriods and I put on the lbs now I take more than 15 pills a day ranging from pain meds for chronic leg pain to blood thinners. At 299 I need help and today I can say I finally found my help.

Blake Horstman

Hi my name is Blake Horstman my wife convinced me to let her start taking lipozene a little over a month ago but i was sceptical because I work for lipozene customer service and hear nothing but bad thing from them because they are upset. So I decided to come here and tell everyone that it does work if you just take the time to take it propperly and do a little exorcize and actually attempt to lose the weight. If you just sit there eating candy all day and playing video games its not oing to work because your not even trying. So my advice to everyone that is thinking about or starting to take lipozene is to actually try to lose the weight to put some effort in and if you do have any questions or anything dont hesitate to call the customer service number we gladly help people.

Battle Creek,Michigan

I was truly skeptical before trying this product , I've tried countless diet pills in the past and the only thing they delivered on was making me all jittery ,wich , I hate . I have Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis and there are alot of things out there that I can't take because they'll interact negatively with my meds , but , this is one that my doctor approved . I am not exactly sure on how much weight I've lost because it's only been 4 days and I do not have a scale , but , I know for a fact that I have lost atleast 5 lbs because I now have to wear a belt to keep my pants up . Lipozene does exactly what it says , it makes you eat less and it does not make u all jittery , as long I take it with a bottle of water and wait atleast 30 minutes I feel fuller faster and I don't feel the urge to snack throughout the day . Lipozene is truly a miracle diet pill


Well, when i first started taking Lipozene I weighed 220 lbs at a height of 5"5. My doctor told me if i didnt lose the weight i would have to have gastric surgery and i told him i wanted to try to lose the weight by myself. I dont like surgeries. I am giving myself 6 months to lose my desired weight. I started taking it August 27th 2012 and right now it is the 30th of August.. To say the least i am down to 214 lbs. It is amazing in so many ways. I havent felt like eating, i do Latin workouts daily for an hour and then round 6o'clock or so i do my simple workouts. Nothing major yet, but seeing those pounds come off in just a few days was incredible. I take 2 capsules twice a day and My energy has gone up a lot. My weight goal is to be down to 135 lbs. and it looks like im making good progress. I will post bi-weekly or monthly to let everyone know. Awesome product!!


Congratulations, Brittany! Keep up the good work.

Marie Robinson

OK so Ive just received my order of Lipozene and an excited to begin. I must say that Im a little curious because Ive tried so many other things and none have worked thus far. So what I am going to do is every week Im going to come on here and leave a review on how much I have or havent lost with Lipozene!!


Keep us posted on your results, Marie!

Vineland,New Jersey

Is this just for women?


Hi, Ron - Lipozene is for both men and women.

west springfield,Massachusetts

Thank you so much Lipozene !


This was the first day my husband and i started using Lipozene... No side of affects like with other deit pills which is a blessing in its self. We are so excited to see where we will be in 6 mths. We are both needing to lose 135 pounds for our health. So I will keep you informed. 5 stars is because there is nothing negative to report...


I haven't even been on this product for 1 week and I've lost 9 lbs and a whole inch of my waist!! I was so skeptical at first but now I'm a BELIEVER !! I haven't changed my diet at all but the increased energy alone is phenomenol !!


I am 41 years old and is a whopping 320lbs and is only 5'0 tall, I am too far over weight. I am going to order this product and I hope by next month I can say that I have lost 20-25lbs. My ultimate goal is t reach 175lbs, get use to that size first then lose more. I really hope this works for me.

Bryans Road,Maryland

Awesome product... I have been using this for almost a month and I can see the difference!I find that that I continue to drink plenty of water the results are so much faster! WOW!! I am ordering more this week to reach my goal weight!! THANK YOU!


I just started two days ago, and i can already tell the difference! Im not as hungry as normally!I think this product is gonna do good for me but i will be sure to let you no an update weekly! Make sure you drink the water though fregrently you might feel sick!


I have been using Lipozene since July 30, 2012..I can honestly say that this stuff really works! The whole reason for me tryng this product was for my problem areas-stomach and inner thighs..IDK maybe its all in my head but 2 days later, it looked like my stomach was going down! I have not worn shorts since middle school and I HAVE to go shopping for more clothes because I cut all of my jeans into shorts, and they are getting looser! No joking-true story!!! I have not shared with anyone I've been taking this product..Im turning 31 on Aug 28 and can not wait to show off the progress that was made! Try it, you have not to lose but pounds and inches, Im so glad I did!!!

Laverne Bremer

Can you get this sent to Canada or not as I would like to order some if possible.

liz rentas

I have been useing lipozene 4 about 6mth on & off..I have always been over wieght & having 6 kids addded on 2 my wieght.I can say lipozene is GREAT I went from 230 to 175 cant be happier...

Thunder Bay,Ontario

I have been using lipozene for 2 months and I have lost over 36 pounds ! This product is amazing and I love it, i suggest it to anybody who is serious about losing weight fast !!!

Holland,New York

Just bought it tonight hoping to see some good results in the next 30 days u will be hearing from me again. I am at 265lbs now size 42 hoping to get back into a 36-38 and hoping for around 210-220 for a goal i am changing my diet and joined a gym hoping this product will work for me like it has alot of other people.


ive tried the rest than tried the best!! and that is lipozene took the 2 pills 3 times a day! and watched what i ate and worked out! lost 55pounds in two months!! no lie 300pounds to 245pounds im in love!! i try to keep it a secreat! i dont tell any of my friends or fam how i did it:);) my goal weight is 160pounds im on my way!!!!!!!


I have been using this for 2 months and lost 46 lbs and 3 pants sizes I only take 1 pill 30 mins before meals twice a day with little to no exercise. THANKS LIPOZENE


This stuff actually works! It's nothing dramatic but I actually lost weight with it. I tested it out by stopping using it and I stopped losing the weight. I lose an average of 2 to 3 pounds a week with this product. I have tried other products and none worked. This one actually does what it says.

College Park,

I would highly recommend this product. I've been taking Lipozene for about a month now and have lost 10 lbs. This has given me the motivation to continue my weight loss. My cousin introduced me to Lipozene, she has been taking lipozene for 2months & has lost 21 lbs & is looking great. If your serious about loosing weight this is the product to get.


I have been carrying an additional 60 to 80 lbs for 3 years. I gained all this weight in the beginning of menopause. I don't eat alot & really don't induldge in junk food so why this weight seemed impossible to lose was beyond my understanding. I have tried numerous weight loss products along with excercise and limiting my diet to fruits and vegetables with minimal red meat. My weight would not budge, not even the normal 5 lbs of fluctuation. I could afford it and said I've got nothing to lose. Well, I was wrong, I did have something to lose--YIIIPPPPPEEEEE a whole 18 lbs is gone. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am and HOPEFUL. I just found out about my weight loss last night so tonight I went and got a few more bottles.


I have been taking this product for just under two weeks. I have lost four pounds and one inch off from my waist. I take two pills twice daily with my two bigger meals. Going to keep on taking it for another two weeks to see what happens. I have personally had zero side effects from this product. Hope it works for others out there that need to lose a lot of weight. Good luck

Diane Guilbault
Pawtucket,Rhode Island

I have been on lipozene for about 1 week now. It works trust me. I have never felt this way on a pill. It takes your appitite away. I am so happy.


I have been using Lipozene for a week now and dropped 7lbs ( that is not what I'm impressed about since I go up and down 10lbs in a day or two) but what I really like is that I don't feel hungry so with that being said it gives me the opportunity to eat more healthy. I eat healthy on my 3 main meals but what gets me off the track is snacking in between because snacking on a cup of veggies or whatever else you would consider healthy was not enough for me, I needed those carbs to satisfy my cravings. I am really happy with my appetite that Lipozene helped me achieve and if it continues to do it's work I know this will help me to loose weight. We often believe in scale more than anything, one wise woman told me a long time ago to use your favorite piece of clothing as your scale but our brain believes in that scale so if I see scale going down I believe whatever I'm doing is working. Lipozene made me believe that it's working. I wish everybody the best of luck and keep you posted in 30 days..........

prineville ,Oregon

Hi all i just started today 7-21-12 and i am excited to see what this product will do for me. My min goal is at least 5 lbs however if this works better then expected you can be im going to order more :) i'll keep you updated on this product im just looking forward to looking like a hot momma that i am :) have a great day everybody :)

Syracuse,New York

So I have tried every weight loss system out there and they worked for the first few months but then I would gain back the weight if I didnt continue with the program. But when I tried Lipozene I actually felt a difference. I've only been taking it for a week n half and already I loss 5 pounds. Now I dont know for certain if it was the pills but I have been drinking water only and while on the pill my appetite has decreased. I use to want to eat 24/7, now I feel fuller faster and better about myself. I wont stop taking the pills till I lose the weight I want to lose, but I just wanted to put it out there that this product isnt a scam and it does work. P.s I loss that 5lbs without having to exercise 2 hours a day 5 times a week.


I must admit I didn't expect much when I first tried Lipozene. However, since I've been plagued all my life with a stubborn layer of fat on my midsection I figured I didn't have anything to lose, except for the fat of course. But I must say after only 1 week of trying Lipozene I noticed a difference; my midsection looked firmer, I could feel more muscle tissue beneath a now thinner layer of fat, and I have to wear belts with my pants now lest they sag around my butt. My results are by no means typical I'll admit, since I've always had a high metabolism to start, but it did nothing for my midsection. It took Lipozene to get me past that threshold of fat loss I thought I'd never experience. I took 2 capsules 30 minutes prior to 2 main meals for 1 week. Afterwards, I reduced my intake to 1 capsule, 2 times per day. I'm really glad I took the chance and ordered Lipozene. I'll definitely be a return customer. Thanks a million!


Congratulations, Lee! Thanks for sharing your story.

Bethlehem ,Pennsylvania

I have noticed that my stomach area has gone down alot... I think this product is very wondeful... I have been drinking more water as well... I notice that i have gas and sometimes bowels... This is a good product...

Grand Rapids,Michigan

I received my first supply two weeks ago today. I am not sure about pounds or inches. My scale is broken. BUT. I was a strong Mountain Dew drinker for 25 years. Less than a week on this and I am broke free. I can SEE the weight loss in my face and FEEL it in my clothes. I will be happy to get down to a size 8/10. At 47 years of age, a size 14/16, I am so happy with the results this far. Just getting me off the pop is a BIG help to me.


I just bought this product and I going to give it a try hope it works.


I am 30 years old, my weight 220 pounds. I was taking lipozene for two weeks and i lose 25 pounds, I also do exerise 2 times a day for 1 hour. lipozene worked for me. and still taking it.

Henderson,North Carolina

I just started using Liozene 4 days ago...but already feel better, more energetic, and less weighed down. I'm even awake earlier in the mornings! I'm looking forward to losing weight, but the way I feel already is great! I would highly reccommend this to my friends!

Palm Springs,California

Started taking Lipozene in 2009. I had to stop taking them for a while due to health reasons. But I started taking them again in January of 2012 and I already lost 20 to 25 pounds within 5 months. I am very obese and I was not able to move around as much as i wanted to. Now I am walking more and I am not as out of breath as I was before. I am very happy with Lipozene and I will comtinue to take them until I reach my desired goal. Thank you Lipozene....


Congratulations, Carrie! Thanks for sharing.

mary kusiak
las vegas,Nevada

I've been using lipozene for a week, I don't want to weigh myself yet but I can tell I've lost a little weight because my pants aren't as tight.You really should change your eating habits..eat what you want once a week only....stick to a healthier diet, cut out snacks, breads, sweets,pasta,( once a week)treat yourself. Lipozene doesn't fail people fail. thanks lipozene

A. Manus

I bought this product on Memorial day and started it that day. 3 days later I feel as if I have the energy I had years ago. Haven't weighed since Memorial day and I don't want to for awhile, hoping to be suprised. I am watching my food intake and having this newfound energy is getting me away from my desk and up off the couch. I will return when my first 30 days is over and let you know how it's doing. Have a blessed day!!


Keep us posted on your progress, A. Manus!

Sharon M. Thomas

Lipozene is an excellent product! I canceled my shipments because Walgreen's has Lipozene on sale this week. Two bottles for $19.99! When I went to Walgreen's this past Sunday, I really loaded up!

san francisco,California

I've been using Lipozene for nearly 2 month and I felt the different after using it , which is losing weight for quite bit . but I found myself have got pregnant for 1 month ( without noticing it ) and right now I have a little concerned about my unborn child later . my question to you is , what's that gonna be okay using Lipozene while I am pregnant ( again , without noticing it )?? , and what's that any side effect gonna be occur with my unborn child ?? thanks a lot Lucy ,


Hi, Lucy! Congratulations on your weight loss and pregnancy! As with all dietary supplements, you should not take the product if pregnant or lactating.

kaydi ann arnold

I am a jamaican. I saw the advertisement and decided to try. i must say i m very impressed with the product. buts disappointed that i av to give it a break because th eitem is only shipped in the united state or canada. wish i could get it shipped to me in jamaica.


Hi, Kaydi! Our apologies that we do not currently ship to Jamaica. We'll keep you posted on any changes.

Graciela Zaragoza
San Diego,California

Can someone with thyroid problems take Lipozene?


Hi, Graciela! We recommend you consult with your physician prior to taking Lipozene. Best wishes to you ...

paul low

I had my brother order this for me a week ago,how long does it take to get to maine???


Hi, Paul! If your brother opted for regular shipping, the timeframe is 3 - 5 weeks. Rush delivery is 5 - 8 business days. Best of luck!

caroline mccormick
high point,North Carolina


I just started lipozene as of thursday this week its now saturday. I have to admit this pill is amazing. Since i have been taking this pill (as reccomended on the package)and drinking water throughout the day my intake of food has decreased a ton. i feel full up to 7 HOURS without any snacking. However since its only been 3 days i have not seen any results.. i am happy so far with this. i would honestly give this a rating of 5 stars but cannot yet due to me not having the weight loss results yet. (like i stated its only been like 2 1/2 actual days) i WILL continue with lipozene. i will also update my results as well.. this is so amazing that last night i was unable to finish an aprox. 1/2 lb pork steak and 1 cup of corn. i had started with the corn and ate that by the time i finished the corn and drank a few drinks of water i took 2 bites (2 Bites) of pork steak and could not eat any more due to being actually full. amazing for me, cause only if you knew im the type that will eat and snack all day/night long non stop. im at least 209 weighing in as of right now. :( but it will change im also positive! this is gonna be life changing. i will be following back on my results month to month.. thank you so much lipozene...

farmington hills,Michigan

im 32y old weigh 245lb after twins, it has only been a few days on lipozene and metaboup, waiting to see results, hoping its not a scam. 4/25/12


Best of luck, Donna, please keep us posted on your results!

chilliwack ,British Columbia

just started using lipozene this is the second day i have more energy and feel better im not eating as much as i use to, so far so good


Glad to hear, Jennifer! Please keep us posted on your results.


I bought this product a couple of years ago from Walmart and paid 29.95 for it there and this product did not at all. I did not lose the first pound and it was so disappointing because this product is still being advertised as being a miracle drug to lose weight. I feel that this comment will probably be wiped out but I wanted to voice my true statement. Maybe my fat is stubborn and will take a more drastic approach, but I tried. Thanks for listening.


Hi, Watson! Thanks for your comments. We hope you will consider trying Lipozene again. Lipozene is most effective when taken at the optimum maximum dosage of 6 capsules per day - 2 capsules 30 minutes prior to each meal - taken with 8 oz of water. Best wishes to you!

Beverly Eisman

I have used Lipozene as directed for the past two weeks along with my exercise and diet regime with absolutely zero results! I am extremely disappointed and would not recommend this product. If the "Select Rating" wasn't a required field, I would not have selected even one star.


Hi, Beverly! We definitely recommend you try Lipozene for the full risk-free trial period of 30 days. If you purchased the product online or via one of our commercials, we offer a 30 day risk-free money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your weight loss results, you can send the product back for a full product refund. Everyone’s body responds differently to the active ingredient in Lipozene and some take longer to respond than others. Best of luck to you!


your product did not work. i followed the instructions and didn't lose any weight at all.


Hi, Ed! I would encourage you to call Lipozene customer service (888/220-8907) to discuss the details of how you were taking the product. A customer service representative will be able to discuss optimum dosage with you and tips to ensure the best results possible. Based on clinical studies, recommended dosage for optimum results is daily maximum dosage of 6 capsules per day.


I am starting this today and will keep you all up to date in about a month or so. I have been watching my calories for 2 weeks now and lost 12 pounds. Lets see how it works! :)


Great job, Betty! We look forward to hearing about your progress.

Diana P
san diego,California

I have tried everything to lose weight and always gained back my weight. I hated the pills that make you feel jittery. I decided to try Lipozene and i was surprised to see how quickly it worked for me. I felt no jitters & I immediately fell full the first time trying it. I have lost 17 lbs in about 2.5 months and kept it off. I recently went on a week long cruise and brought it with me.I was able to enjoy every yummy meal on the cruise in moderation.I was not deprived, I never felt starved on Lipozene. I weighed in after the cruise and DID NOT GAIN even an ounce of weight. Lipozene works. I am 51 years old and I look and feel better than ever before! Thank-you LIPOZENE! You have changed my life forever!

coral springs,Florida

I have been taking and I d aren't work for me I don't lose no pounds and I stop taking I got even more weight .........................


Hi, Suey! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t lose weight. I would encourage you to call Lipozene customer service (888/220-8907) to discuss the details of how you were taking the product. A customer service representative will be able to discuss optimum dosage with you and tips to ensure the best results possible. Based on clinical studies, recommended dosage for optimum results is daily maximum dosage of 6 capsules per day.

Tim Miller

LIPOZENE IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tried the product without any results. Sent empty containers back in, as instructed, on February 2, 2012 and as of today, April 3, 2012 they claim they have not received my return. Stupid me did not certify the return so I have no proof, other than if the product had worked, I'd still be ordering it. This was a lesson that cost me $31.30 but it was one well learned. Thanks to Lipozene, I'll never trust this online guarantees anymore. I hope the makers and the people sell this product can sleep at night knowing their only in it to rip people off....


Hi, Tim! I’m sorry to hear about your situation. When return instructions are issued by customer service they emphasize the necessity to return the product with trackable means. We stand behind our product with the 30 day money back guarantee.


Started using product weighing (281)lbs the first week I lost (5)lbs. Theres no side affects and I feel great. Will continue to use until I reach my goal of (140)lbs. Thank-you Lipozene...


Thanks for sharing! Please keep us posted on your results.

norma palaguachi
hackensack,New Jersey

I have not ordered this product yet but i am hopeing to get some feed back. i weigh 240 lbs and I have been trying to lose weight. I go up and down , i lose a little and then i go back up again. I have chronic high blood pressure, diabeties, high cholesterol and depression. the question I am throwing out there is ..........does anyone know if this is safe to take with all my sicknesses. i take many medication and don't know if this product will mess with my medications. thank you so much for advice you may be able to give.


Hi, Norma! Though Lipozene is an all-natural product, we recommend your consult your physician prior to taking Lipozene with any prescription medications. Best wishes to you!


I have been using this product for a month now and have lost nothing. I was just wondering how long it takes to lose weight with this product. Should I give up on it or does it take longer for it to work.


Hi, Tracy! Everyone’s body responds differently to the active ingredient in Lipozene and some take longer to respond than others. Best of luck to you!

Ralph Campion

WHAT A RIP OFF WHAT THEY DON'T bother to tell you about the 30 dat money back program. It is charged to your account then you wait for shipment,the 30 days starts with order date. Product DOSEN'T WORK LIKE THEY SAY!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, Ralph! The 30 day money back guarantee does not start on your order date. We do allow a grace period for shipping. Please call customer service with any additional questions at 888/220-8907. Thanks!

Ana Martinez

I started taking Lipozene approximately one year ago. When I started I was an obese 205 pounds. I could no longer fit into any clothes and was very depressed about my appearance. Now after being on Lipozene I have lost 90 pounds. I have the figure I enjoyed as a 19 year old. Thanks Lipozene!


Congratulations, Ana!


I tried it it worked o.k., But beware if you don't cancel auto refill by phone, you can not get refund. This is a rip off way of getting money out of peoples accounts.You can't cancel by internet.


Hi, Sandra! I’m glad to hear Lipozene helped you lose weight. We do NOT automatically enroll any customers in the auto-refill program. If you inadvertently signed up, you can cancel by calling customer service at 888/220-8907 or by logging into your account on www.lipozene.com (click “customer service”). You are able to easily cancel your subscription by either of these means.

Fulton,New York

I have been taking this for 2 full months and have only lost maybe 3 pounds. Not worth the money.


I used Lipozene for two months and lost 35lbs. I would simply take the pill 30 min before meals and move through my day. Now I am more fit and healtier than I have ever been. This product works so well that I have decied to continue the usage until I reach my goal weight of 40 more lbs. Thank Lipozene!

San Diego,California

I took part of a clinical study using lipozene along with a strict diet plant and moderate exercise. The product gave me no side affects. Taking the dosage 30 mins before you eat makes you feel somewhat more full, I could compare the feeling to drinking alot of water before you eat. I am fairly confident this product promotes fat loss when combined with exercise.

Fort Collins,Colorado

I tried Lipozene with mixed results. I did lose a few pounds but not as fast as I wished. If I would have modified my diet further I\'m sure I would have lost much more weight. All in all, it did work for me but could have been better.


I took 2 pills 30 min before meals and in 2 weeks I lost 4 pounds. I am going to try 2 bottles more and if its true. I didn\'t feel hungry, but I eat to take the pills.

E. White
New Orleans,Louisiana



This is the best product that have come out with in years! i eat what i want and still lose weight. i love it.


With lipozene and a strict carb diet i have lost FIVE pounds in one week. Thanks Lipozene!!!


I bought this to suppress hunger, and bought an Herbal energy suppliment for energy, began taking brisk 20 min per day walks through the mall and my body melted, literally melted away 100 pounds in 4 months, im never real hungry so when i eat i try to eat vitamin rich foods that are low in fat and i stay active, have made many new friends and even got a part time job walking through one of my favorite mall stores assisting shoppers. I think this as other diet pills if you take action, maybe pair it with another supplement or vitamin,and above all get off your butt and get some EXERCISE anyone can lose weight. no magic pill does it for you, you gotta want it you gotta make it happen

,New York

I'm a black women age who is 5'3" and 46 years old. I had a bet with a friend for a $250 shopping spree and I won. This is no Joke. The product works. The bet was 60days who lost the most percentage of weight. I started at 175 and I'm down to 164. This might not be as fast as you would want it but it took me a long time to put it on and it's gonna take me some time to get it off. I'm still going I will come back in 30days from today to tell you what my new weight is, by the way the bet is off its just me feeling good about myself. Please eat right. I do a lite workout. I'm a working mom wife and friend. I'll see you in 30days

Shocking Results
Greenville,North Carolina

I have been on lipozene since friday and today is tuesday I my belly has shrunk alot and I have 7lbs. Lipozene helps me to stay full and the key is to drink plenty of water before, after and in between meals. Try it for yourself you will be amazed.


I bought this product 2 weeks ago from today. I must admit the results were phenomenal. I am seriously overweight. I am only 19 and weighed 206. I been taking this product, and I am happy to admit I lost 17 lbs in these 2 weeks. This product DOES work. I see others that say otherwise, but sorry to break it to anyone but NO PILL is a miracle pill. To achieve a goal you will have to work a little bit. I'm not saying go all out and become exercise person of the week. But move more then you do, and change your eating style, and you will get fabulous results. You can't take this pill and over eat and expect to lose weight. Don't blame the product if you fail. The result is all you. You have 2 give a little 2 get a little.


This product is amazing. It works for me.


Helped Lost Weight, Tastes Fine, No Side Effects, Works quickly. Eating is a habbit formed in your brain, you're not really hungry all the time. A little willpower goes a long way. Lose the habbit, lose the FAT.

San Marcos,California

I took the 2 capsules about 30min before every meal. It cut my hunger by more then half. then i lost about 15 lbs in a month

Charlotte,North Carolina

I have used the product periodically. It is easy to use and I get quick results, to trim off excess - especially after a vacation. It works great.

,Rhode Island

i was 159 pounds but thanks to lipozene i am 137. i lost 22 pounds in 3 months. i would use lipozene again


At first I was kind of scared to use a dietary supplement but for Lipozene, to be my first time using any kind of supplement works fine for me!!! I would encourage anyone to use it if they need an extra push on their weight goal!!!


I have lost over 30lbs using this. I have also altered my diet cutting back on soda, chips, candy cookies ect. This works great if you're an "over eater" like I am! Taking it 30min. before I eat has helped me cut my portions in half. It works great and I have not had any side effects, no jitters because it does not have caffeine.

Mel R.

I have tried about everything someone could try with several medical conditions. This is a natural root and is widely used to treat several conditons in other countries. The FAT MELTS. Stay with a routine, don't over eat and this works. I went from a size 10 to an 8. I saw several inches leave within a month of use. I highly recommend this product.


I have lost 10 lbs in two weeks and have found no side-effects. I feel as though 1-bottle should inc 30-days instead of 15-days p/bottle for the price and correct dosage. other than this I am satisfied so far.


I was 233 after giving birth to my daughter after taking Lipozene i dropped down to 152 it really does work..


I started the pills 4 days ago and have lost 4 lbs already. I have changed my diet a little and been taking brisk 20 min walks a day. I take it as directed and i dont feel hungry at all. So far I have no complaints about it.

Chula Vista,California

I've taking this for 1-Month and already lost 6 lbs!!!!


lipozene is a very good product. i have tried them all and this really works. it curves my appatite and gives me energy. I work out everyday and eat right anyway but this helps my workouts and helped me stop my late night munching. I have lost weight and will continue to use it


I used this product for about a month and a half, I lost over three sizes. I was in a size nine to twelve depending on the brand and I can fit into a size five to six now, depending on the brand. It really is worth it. I have about thirty more pounds to go and I plan to lose them with Lipozene.
